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Winter presents an excellent opportunity for people to try new things such as winter sports or even have family holidays. However,  the same weather conditions also have their shortcomings. Put briefly, the winter season heightens the risk of accidents, and most victims of winter-related accidents often sustain severe injuries which can be life-changing.

That said, various factors contribute to winter accidents. However, winter accidents leading to injuries that occur due to someone else’s negligence are a cause of concern. For this reason, victims who sustain such injuries have recourse under Minnesota’s personal injury law. In simpler terms, you can file a personal injury claim seeking compensation for your losses in the event of a winter-related accident that occurs due to someone’s negligent conduct.

Here is a brief elucidation of some of the types of personal injury that occur in winter and how a personal injury attorney in Minnesota can help you succeed in making a personal injury claim.

Slips and Falls

A slip and fall accident is one of the common causes of winter injuries. This type of accident often occurs when a person(owner of a premises or a business) fails to ensure that common areas such as pathways or stairways within their vicinity are safe following a snowstorm. By failing to remove the snow, the owner exposes visitors to hazardous conditions that may result in accidents and severe injuries.

Legally speaking, failure to make the icy stairways safe constitutes a breach of duty, and any victim who suffers an injury can initiate a claim for compensation.

Winter Sports Injuries

Winter activities such as winter sports can be really fun. However, they can still be dangerous if the proper precautions are not taken into consideration. Some winter injuries such as concussions or broken wrists occur when skis or sleds collide with an object. Alternatively, an accident can also occur when snowboarding-resulting in severe injuries.

Noteworthy is the fact that although most of these accidents might seem unavoidable, some would have been avoided. In simple terms, some winter sports injuries occur due to someone else’s negligent conduct-meaning you can still pursue compensation.

However, it would be best to speak to an attorney before you take any step.

Car Accident-related Injuries

Winter weather poses serious visibility problems for drivers. Research suggests that car accidents increase by 12 % between January and February each year. This simply means that winter heightens the risk of car accidents on the roads.

As such, pedestrians or even drivers are at risk of suffering accident-related injuries, which are often severe. For this reason, victims of such accidents have recourse in law in the event that such an accident occurred due to someone else’s negligence.

How Can an Attorney Help?

In the event of a winter accident that leads to severe injury, it is imperative to take steps to safeguard your right to compensation. The most important step you can take following an accident is to seek medical attention. It is imperative to do so because it ensures that you receive the medical care you deserve. At the same time, the medical records help establish a valid claim.

That said, a valuable asset that you ought to have following a winter-related accident is a personal injury attorney. In essence, a competent and qualified personal injury attorney in Minnesota can:

  • Safeguard your rights
  • Safeguard your interest against those of the insurance company and any third party
  • Negotiate settlements on your behalf
  • Represent you in court if your case proceeds to trial
  • Gathering and Collecting Evidence
  • Establish a valid claim.

Injured in a Winter-Related Accident in Minnesota? Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

If you or your loved one is injured in an accident that occurs due to someone else’s negligence, it is imperative to contact an attorney right away. Essentially, an attorney will help you obtain the amount of compensation you deserve.

At Swor & Gatto, we have experience handling personal injury claims in Minnesota which arose due to someone else’s negligence. Our knowledge and skills make navigating the complex legal system and the convoluted claim process easy. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.