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Minnesota Limousine Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one have been injured in a limo accident, it is essential to seek medical attention and legal help as soon as possible. Renting a limousine is typically done to commemorate a joyful occasion like a birthday, graduation, proms, weddings, etc. The actions of others may determine the success of your event.

While it may not be something at the forefront of your mind, accidents in limousines can be dangerous. The risks are even higher if you’re drinking and not wearing a seatbelt.

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), limousines that carry passengers must follow several federal and state regulations. On the other hand, accidents can happen for various reasons, including driver error or mechanical failure.

If you or a close one is injured in an accident with a limousine, taking legal action may be possible. Several liable entities might be involved in these accidents, so talking to a limousine accident lawyer specializing in this area can help you understand your choices.

Contact Swor & Gatto at (651) 454-3600 for your limousine accident case.

A Limousine Driver or Company’s Negligence

Limousines are a greatest way to get around and are frequently used for birthdays, weddings, family gatherings, and business events. Limousine firms and drivers must follow laws and regulations to operate safely and securely. When it comes to an accident involving a limousine, several parties might be held responsible, including:

The Limousine Driver

A driver can be held accountable if the individual breaches traffic rules, is distracted behind the wheel, drives too fast, or is influenced by drugs and alcohol.

The Company That Provides the Limousine

A company could be responsible for your accident if it did not vet its employees properly, provided inadequate training to drivers, or forced them to break rest period regulations. Overbooking a limousine could also lead to overcrowding and an ensuing accident.

The Limousine Is Being Serviced by a Mechanic or Firm That Company Servicing It

For example, some accidents might happen because of shoddy brakes or balding tires. If the limousine company gave their vehicle servicing and maintenance to another business operation or mechanic, that third party would be at-fault for an accident due to a neglect of upkeep.

A star represents the Manufacturer of the Limousine.

A vehicle accident can be caused by various factors, including driver error or aggressive driving. Occasionally, a manufacturer may be held responsible for a collision if, for example, the car had an issue or a defective component.

While it may be tempting to jump to conclusions and blame the driver for your limousine accident, many people might be liable for it. This implies that while you have various options for obtaining compensation, litigation might be complicated.

Injuries in Accidents with Limousines

Limousines are typically classified as commercial vehicles, so they may not be subject to the same safety standards as private vehicles. For example, passengers in limos are not required to wear seatbelts. Unfortunately, this can lead to accidents with serious or even life-changing injuries for passengers, including:

  • Severe head trauma
  • Fractured bones
  • Severed limbs and amputations
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Facial cuts and lacerations

If you or a loved one has suffered severe injuries from an accident with a limousine, or if someone you love has perished in such an accident, you might file a personal injury or wrongful death claim to obtain money for your losses.

Contact Our Minnesota Limo Accident Lawyers

At Swor & Gatto, we have represented many people who have been injured in limousine accidents. We understand the complex regulations surrounding these accidents and can help you navigate the legal system to get the compensation you deserve.

Contact us at (651) 454-3600 for a limousine accident case lawyer. We will be more than happy to help 24/7.