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When Accidents Alter Your Life

When most people think of the damage done in a car accident, the first thing that comes to mind is the damage to the vehicle itself. While many of us rely on our cars to get to work, take our kids to school, and generally maintain our lives, though, there are often many other considerations that come up when someone files damages for a car accident. Damages that are often a necessity for coping with the major ways in which a bad auto accident can change one’s life for the worse.

Car accidents are everyday occurrences, but the results of bad accidents are often serious, and life-altering. Beyond just losing your car, accidents can have serious impacts on your health. Broken bones, torn muscles, and other injuries can have long-lasting impacts that completely change what someone is capable of.  Someone might be unable to walk after an accident, for example, or they may lose function in a limb. Sometimes they may lose a limb altogether. Those kinds of injuries require extensive medical treatment, and that is often what’s at the top of the list when it comes to the kinds of damages filed in an auto accident case.

It’s far from the only sort of damages someone might seek compensation for, however.

Because car accidents are like throwing a rock into a pond; the initial splash causes ripples that move out from the point of impact. And every one of those ripples has the potential to cause further problems that someone has to overcome to get their life back on track.

For example, a serious accident often means someone misses time from work, and the money they would have made that’s a necessity for paying their bills. As such, that’s often part of the damages filed. Someone who can no longer perform their old job due to their injuries may have further damages to file. Someone who needs in-home care, who can no longer provide for their family in the role they previously had, or who now needs accessibility aids will often file for those costs as well. Even the pain and suffering associated with particularly traumatic experiences may find its way onto the list of damages, if a case was bad enough.

Your Case Needs To Be As Strong As Your Damages

The thing that’s important to remember is that just because you file for damages, that’s not a guarantee that you will receive the compensation you’re seeking. You still need to go to court, and argue your case. And even if you have a strong case, with the facts and evidence on your side, you still need to have a competent representative to stand up for you, and to argue all the points you need to hit to persuade the court of the validity of your claims.

Or, if the other side wants to settle out of court for damages, you need someone who can read the fine print, and who can tell you if you’re being offered something good, or something that isn’t going to be enough to help you recover from your accident.

That’s where we come in. We’re here to help our clients get back on their feet after accidents knock them down, and we fight for what they deserve when they have their day in court. Because everyone needs a hand to help them up when they’ve been knocked down, and that’s our job. If you or someone you know has been involved in an auto accident and needs to file damages, simply contact us today!