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With Us You Never Get Lost in The Shuffle

Hiring a lawyer to help handle your personal injury claim can be an intimidating experience. This is particularly true if you don’t have a lot of experience with legal professionals, and you’re already trying to juggle the needs of your injury, and all the other aspects of your life. However, while many people might be tempted to go to a bigger law firm, you can actually get a much higher level of service from a smaller firm like ours. Because to us you’re not just a case and a number; you’re a person. A person whose experience matters, and who we’ve agreed to stand up for.

When you go to a big law firm, there is no doubt that you are getting the legal expertise you pay for. However, you are not getting the full resources of that entire company on your case. They’re likely handling dozens of other cases (and perhaps hundreds, depending on the size of the firm) just like yours, which means that you become part of an assembly line. While your attorney with the firm may remember your name, and be able to update you on your case, you aren’t going to be recognized by the rest of the staff, and you wouldn’t be able to get the details on what’s happening from anyone else. And, generally speaking, you’ll be expected to call during business hours in order to get your questions answered.

The bigger a company is, the more it relies on protocol and specialization. It’s just a necessary part of keeping the wheels turning when a business gets big enough. Being a smaller firm, though, we have the flexibility that larger operations lack.

This flexibility means there are fewer walls regarding who is handling what, but also that we have the luxury of getting to know our clients as individuals instead of just as case numbers. We can respond more quickly to our clients’ needs, as well, and ensure that everyone gets the time and attention they need to feel confident in their cases going forward. We have the experience and the skill to win cases, but by keeping our operation smaller it means that we never lose touch with the people whose claims we’re actually handling, and what these cases mean to them on a personal level.

You Need Someone Who Knows You On Your Side

Going through a personal injury claim is not an easy thing to do, even if you have the best lawyer on your side. There are countless documents to file, expert witnesses to contact, court dates to set, negotiations to be conducted, and countless other matters that have to be handled. That’s a lot of stress to deal with, especially if you’re still recuperating from an injury and you have medical expenses, lifestyle changes, and other concerns that are far more immediate for you in your life.

However, this entire process is a great deal easier if your lawyer has the flexibility to respond to a changing situation, both regarding your case, and events that are happening in your life. That is the kind of service we offer at our firm. Because we have the skills, knowledge, and experience to handle the legal side of things, but we also ensure that our clients feel they can trust us. And part of that formula is being able to adapt to what they need us to be.

For more information about our firm, and how we can help you in your personal injury case, simply contact us today!