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If there is one piece of advice you will hear first after you have gotten into an accident, it will be to get a lawyer. However, when you file an insurance claim with the negligent party and they come back with a pretty dazzling settlement, you may think you can skip the lawyer. The insurance company isn’t giving you any trouble, and you can save yourself a little money.

In reality, you will probably be getting much less than your accident deserves. In fact, you may not even be getting enough to cover all the medical bills and damages from the accident if you take an insurance company’s first settlement offer without a lawyer looking it over.


In the video, Marcus Gatto tells it true about insurance companies. They are there to exploit gaps in knowledge. A claims adjuster sent out from an insurance company isn’t there to make sure you get the compensation you need to replace your car or pay your medical bills. They are there to make sure they have to pay you as little money as possible.

You can rest assured that a claims adjuster who has handled hundred of different cases knows the true value of your accident as well as probably has a good idea of what your injuries will cost in terms of medical bills. You, however, as a person who very well may be filing their first claim after your first accident ever, don’t know the value. This is when an claims adjuster whips out an amount that might very well be more than you ever had in your bank account at once before.

This amount looks amazing, but you better believe it is probably not even close to the true amount that your accident deserves.


The real reason to bring a lawyer to the table even if an insurance company has offered a settlement is to show that you can’t be taken advantage of. Like a claims adjuster, personal injury lawyers have handled hundreds of accident cases and have a good idea of the value. They even have investigators and experts that will help them calculate the correct amount. As personal injury lawyers are equipped with knowledge, it immediately tells a claims adjuster that they cannot pull the wool over your eyes.

What is most important when you hire a personal injury lawyer is that they are not afraid to fight for the compensation that you need. If your injury may heal incorrectly or has the potential to get worse, they will fight to get that compensated so you aren’t left handling that bill out of pocket years down the line. It is a lack of information that may not allow you to stand up to a claims adjuster yourself, but a lawyer will have everything they need to show them that there is a certain amount that your case is valued at, and that is only what you will accept.


Going into a personal injury case without a lawyer is not impossible, but it will leave you coming back with much less than you deserve. Even if you are a very assertive person, you just don’t have access to all the information you need to fight for your compensation. If you have been injured in an accident and are preparing to get deal with an insurance company, contact us today. The Law Office of Swor & Gatto are dedicated to fighting for your right to fair compensation after injuries resulting from an accident.