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eye injury lawyer

St. Paul Blindness Injury Attorney

An injury to the eye can be devastating, especially if it leads to reduced vision or blindness. At the St. Paul law firm of Swor & Gatto, P.A., our lawyers help clients who have suffered an injury to the eye due to another’s negligence. We have been able to obtain compensation and damages that help them heal as fully as possible. If they have become blind, we seek full compensation for the changes they will have to endure.

Causes of Eye Injuries

Our law firm has assisted people after they sustained eye injuries in:

Our clients have suffered detached retinas, anisocoria, broken blood vessels in the eye, Bell’s Palsy and other nerve damage, drooping eyelids, cornea damage and light sensitivity.

Compensation for Clients With Blindness and Other eye Injuries

Our Minnesota lawyers seek compensation for a client’s lost income, medical expenses, pain and suffering and special training and education. People who have become fully or partially blind may never work again or may be unable to work in their chosen field. They need training to be able to work with seeing-eye-dogs, travel with walking sticks and care for themselves at home. We are able to help people obtain the resources they need, whatever challenges they face after an eye injury.

Contact a St. Paul and Minneapolis Eye Injury Attorney

We invite you to schedule a free consultation to learn how the St. Paul lawyers at Swor & Gatto can help you after an eye injury. Contact us at 651-454-3600 or complete our intake form today. If you cannot come to us, we will visit you at home or in the hospital.

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