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Getting injured can have significant implications on your life. For example, an injury can render you incapable of performing tasks that you were able to do initially. This may affect you emotionally, physically and also contribute to significant economic losses.

While the law doesn’t promise you your initial health, it guarantees you compensation to help you recoup any losses incurred. This often takes the form of economic and non-economic damages.

However, to recover the losses, you’ll need to file a claim. A legal claim denotes a complex process that often requires that you have a personal injury attorney. Put simply, a personal injury attorney can help you navigate the process and leverage your rights.

That said, a qualified personal injury attorney near you can help you have a successful outcome in your claim. As such, you’ll need to understand why hiring an attorney near you can help.

Here’s what you should know.

Benefits of a Personal Injury Lawyer near me

If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of an individual or a company, you have a right to file a claim seeking compensation. Most claimants in a personal injury lawsuit attempt to handle the claim on their own. As such, they end up making substantive and procedural errors. In turn, their claim ends up being quashed, or in some cases, they end up receiving a meagre amount of compensation.

However, all of this can be avoided with the help of a personal injury attorney near you. A personal injury attorney:

Understands the law

The law tends to be different depending on the jurisdiction. Most claimants will make the mistake of filing a claim without considering the jurisdiction of the injury. As a result, they apply the law of a different state. When this happens, such claims are often thrown out.

However, an attorney near you can help you avoid making such mistakes. Quite simply, an attorney near you understands the laws of the jurisdiction they work in. This means that there is no chance at all that they are going to make a mistake in your lawsuit. As such, you are guaranteed a successful outcome.

Knows when to apply the law

There are certain instances where your claim requires a specific law in relation to the kind of injury suffered. An attorney will invoke this kind of law and apply it to the legal issues in your case. This ultimately helps build a robust claim.

In addition, your personal injury attorney can help you make the right decision. This is regarding proceeding with a lawsuit or reaching a personal injury settlement.

Has skills and experience

To succeed in a personal injury lawsuit, you’ll have to establish your claim and convince the court that compensation is necessary for the losses incurred.

This is often difficult, especially when you have to prove all the elements of negligence. In addition, you’ll have to counter all the arguments invoked by the defense team.

An attorney near you can help you with all this by:

  • Collecting evidence
  • Establishing liability
  • Retain experts to assist with the case
  • File insurance claims
  • Determining and convincing the court to award you the right amount of compensation.

Knows your Rights

A personal injury attorney near you knows your rights. This is in relation to the law in your jurisdiction. Having said that, a qualified personal injury attorney in Minnesota can elucidate some of the legal rights you have and the options for recovering money on your injury claim.

When do you need a personal injury lawyer?

The decision to hire a personal injury attorney near you should be made as soon as you sustain an injury due to someone else’s negligence.

The following are some situations where you need to retain legal counsel before proceeding with your personal injury claims:

  • You sustain severe injuries
  • The insurance company is acting in bad faith.
  • When the other party alleges that you contributed to the cause of the accident
  • Your injury involves a complicated area of law or statute.

How can Swor & Gatto Attorneys help?

A personal injury attorney near you can help you have a successful outcome in your case. At Swor & Gatto, we have a wealth of experience in personal injury cases, especially in Minnesota. We provide legal help to residents of St.Paul, Minnesota, but we can travel to other areas within Minnesota. This ensures that we have wide coverage of people who have sustained injuries and need a personal injury attorney.

Also, it is fundamental to note that there is a statute of limitation that sets the deadline for filing a personal injury claim—as such, missing the deadline may render your case time-barred in your quest for a judicial remedy. Ensure you contact a personal injury attorney as soon as the accident occurs to avoid all the legal hurdles.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation.