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It is known that if you get into an accident you should receive compensation for any medical bills from the person who was deemed at-fault for the accident. However, you will not receive your financial compensation until the case has been successfully processed, and that is assuming that the insurance company will agree to pay you anything.

If your injury from the accident has resulted in you being unable to work and losing your income, it can make a complicated situation even more frustrating. One of the main concerns you will have during this situation will be: How can I pay my medical bills until I receive a settlement?

Waiting for an insurance company to offer you a settlement you feel is fair for your personal injury is will not happen as quickly as you would like it to. During this time, you may worry about how you will pay your medical bills that you have accumulated after the personal injury.

Health Insurance

If you have insurance, one of the first things you should do after receiving the necessary treatment from a medical facility is to provide their health care provider with information related to all of their medical treatments and doctor visits. Some doctors will be willing to work with patients with the understanding that they will receive payment once you receive the settlement.

Most car insurance companies will not directly pay your medical bills, but most of them will reimburse you for the expenses you and the health insurance company have paid for the medical bills. Some medical providers may state that your health insurance will not cover those expenses, but this is false.

Unless another insurance provider has been listed as the primary insurer, such as the insurance company of the other driver or workers’ compensation, your health insurance provider can cover the medical expenses. When you visit a medical professional for the first time, it is important that you give the medical provider a copy of your insurance card. Your insurance card can be listed as your backup payment.

Car Insurance

While you are waiting for your claim to completely process, if you carry certain types of insurance on your policy, your own coverage could begin to kick in. There are types of coverage on your insurance policy that you may be able to use before your accident claim, including the following:

  • Personal injury protection (PIP) coverage
  • Medical payments coverage
  • Uninsured motorist coverage
  • Underinsured motorist coverage

Personal Injury Loans

If you are in distress and you are in need of money while waiting for your claim to settle, you may find yourself in a very difficult situation. In many cases, a victim may think about taking out a personal injury loan in order to obtain funds. We understand that taking out a personal injury loan may seem like your only option, taking this route is not always recommended.

If you make the decision to take out a personal injury loan, you could pay back the loan at a very high interest rate. What will happen if your settlement does not yield the amount of money you initially thought? If you receive less than the amount you thought you would receive after taking out a large loan, you will be left with a deficit plus the interest you will owe.

Disability Claims

If it will take an extended time for you to recover, your doctor may be able to provide you with documentation that will be required to file for disability. After you file for disability, you could qualify for more benefits if your recovery is expected to take more than 1 year.

Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

At Swor & Gatto, we completely understand how challenging it can be to cover the costs while you are waiting on your settlement to finalize. We will work on your behalf to go through all of your options to alleviate your burdens while you are recovering from an injury. Swor & Gatto may be able to get the hospital to put your medical expenses on hold until the settlement has been finalized.

If you have mounting medical bills that you need to pay, do not hesitate to contact us today.