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Truck Accidents Attorney in St. Paul, Minnesota

A car accident is a frightening prospect for most of us, even if we feel confident in our vehicles and our insurance. Even if all the safety systems in your car function perfectly, preventing you from getting seriously injured, the damages to your vehicle, the lost wages from missing work, and the interruptions to your life can be far more than just a bump in the road. This is particularly true when you have to argue with insurance providers, and get them to actually cover the damages that fall under your policy so that you can get the wheels turning, and get everything back on track to how it was before the accident.

When a semi truck, or a delivery truck is involved, though, that can complicate matters exponentially.

It’s More Than Just The Size That Matters

The most obvious difference between an average automobile accident and one that involves trucks is the sheer size of the damage. With a vehicle that massive, injuries tend to be worse, and vehicles tend to be destroyed far more often than they are in other types of accidents. Beyond that simple gross tonnage, though, is the fact that semi trucks and delivery trucks have a much bigger list of laws that govern their behavior and maintenance. As such, a lawyer who is going to argue a case involving these vehicles needs to understand this additional facet of how they’re treated by the legal system.

As an example, vehicles like this are required to keep maintenance logs to show their upkeep. So if the vehicle had gone too long between brake services or tire changes, and that could have contributed to an accident, then that will be in the record. Additionally, these vehicles require special licensing to drive, which can create a whole separate line of inquiry that needs to be followed up and confirmed.

The physics of the accident don’t change, but there are so many additional areas of investigation surrounding these bigger vehicles that a lawyer who isn’t familiar with all the aspects of the law could quickly get overwhelmed. Particularly as it concerns the state and federal laws that will apply to these vehicles, which could also have a bearing on how the case is argued, and decided.

Make Sure Your Lawyer Is Familiar With All The Regulations

If you were involved in an accident with a semi truck or a delivery truck, and you need someone in your corner to recover your damages, you want to make sure your attorney knows every play in the book when it comes to these unique auto accident cases. They need to be able to choose which strategies are going to work for your case, and even more importantly, they need to be able to predict what sort of options will be pursued by the legal team on the other side of the court. It’s like a game of chess, and if you want someone telling you which pieces to move and where to put them, you want to make sure they’re not going off of their experience playing checkers.

Why would you take a risk when it comes to your court case? These accidents are already difficult enough, and there’s no reason you should step into the ring with one hand metaphorically tied behind your back. If you need experienced lawyers who know the ins and outs of trucking regulations across the country to help argue your case, then all you have to do is contact us today! We’re here to make sure that you have your day, and your say, in court.