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A Different Kind of Personal Injury

When people think of personal injury cases, they tend to think of very physical, very obvious wounds. Burns from when something caught fire on the job, or the car accident that left someone without the use of their legs. But some injuries are impossible to see just by looking at someone. Despite being invisible to the naked eye, however, brain injuries are still serious matters that should entitle someone to compensation.

They do present their own, unique set of challenges, however.

As mentioned, one thing that makes brain injuries so difficult in terms of personal injury cases is that they are an invisible injury. Often times someone doesn’t even know if they have a brain injury until they’ve been scanned by trained medical professionals, and that isn’t something that someone’s insurance always covers. To make matters even more complicated, sometimes brain injuries are a condition that sticks with someone for life. Sometimes they heal, and sometimes they get worse.

Additionally, for all the science surrounding these unique kinds of injuries, they’re often very difficult to explain when presenting a case before the court. Not in the sense that brain injuries are inexplicable, but they are not something most people understand in an instinctual way. Explaining a broken bone, a muscle that’s destroyed by years of repetitive motion, or how a car accident damaged someone’s shoulder, neck, or knee is fairly simple, as these are injuries people often have some kind of experience with in their day-to-day lives. But brain injuries are uncommon, and so there’s no visceral understanding of what they entail, and sometimes having an expert explain the medicine and the science just doesn’t make the same impact on an audience.

Lastly, though, brain injuries often have the same difficulty with cause and effect that other, invisible injuries do. Because even if you can show via tests conducted by medical professionals that someone has a brain injury, it’s not enough to prove that the injury exists; you need to point to where it came from. Tracking down and identifying the root cause of a brain injury can be particularly difficult, since it isn’t something that most people regularly get screened for. Often times the first time someone really becomes aware of a brain injury is when a symptom manifests in a problematic way, and the time between getting a brain injury and showing serious symptoms is not always as cut and dry as we might like to think.

When You Need Help From The Experts – Contact Swor & Gatto

If you’re going to court with a Minnesota brain injury case, then you need to have the experts on your side. You need to have doctors who can explain what’s going on in a way that laymen can understand it, and you need to have the weight of medical science on your side to show that even though people cannot see your injury, it exists, and it is something you deserve to be compensated for.

You’ll also need professional legal help with experience in handling difficult and delicate matters. Because it’s tough enough going through the stress of dealing with a brain injury, and all the tests and treatments involved in living your life; you should have someone to stand at your side when you step into the court. That’s where we come in.

If you or someone you love is suffering from a brain injury, and you need someone to help champion your case, all you have to do is contact us today! We are here to help you, and to make sure your case receives all the attention it deserves.