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Airplane taking off.

Minnesota Airplane Accident Lawyers

Flying can cause a certain degree of anxiety, even for the most traveled individuals. This is because many things can go wrong, and while air traffic is less congested than the traffic on the roads, a number of hazards arise when traveling tens of thousands of feet above the ground.

If you have been injured in an airline accident or a loved one has been killed, you may be able to hold the airline and any other responsible parties accountable. Perhaps the manufacturer of a specific part on the plane was negligent, or the builder built a defective aircraft. There are many possibilities, and your Minneapolis personal injury attorney will investigate what happened in order to bring you the justice you deserve.

Helping You Cope With Airline Accident Fatalities

Fatality is the most common result in an airline accident. This is one reason why so many people are nervous about flying. If you lost a loved one in an airline accident, you will need to work with an attorney who understands what you are going through. Our attorneys can help you cope with your loss and advise you of the options available.

You can count on receiving straightforward advice so you will always know what your next step should be. The goal is to help you recover the compensation you need so you can pay your bills now and in the future, pay for any medical expenses that may have come about, and even pay for the funeral costs. We can help you with insurance claims against those responsible for the accident by uncovering the facts to build a strong case for you.  

Experience With Aviation Accidents

There are different reasons behind aviation accidents. They include:

  • A pilot flying the plane while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Servicing errors
  • Mechanic defects
  • Negligence that leads to a crash
  • Manufacturer that produces a defective part
  • Issues with the building of the plane
  • Defective materials

Recovering from the effects of an airline accident takes time, whether you were seriously injured or you are the family member of someone who was killed or hurt. Your St. Paul personal injury attorney will work with you to achieve the right result to minimize the impact of the accident on your life.

Contact A Minneapolis Personal Injury Lawyer

Airlines have a responsibility to their passengers to ensure their safety. An accident resulting from negligence that leads to severe injury or death is devastating. If you have been injured in an airline accident or a loved one was killed due to airline negligence, you may be able to hold the responsible parties liable. To learn more about your rights and options, call Swor & Gatto at 651-454-3600 for a free consultation.
