Free Case Evaluation - Call 24/7 (651) 454-3600

St. Paul and Minneapolis Personal Injury Lawyers

At the Minnesota law firm of Swor & Gatto, P.A., we understand and appreciate the do-it-yourself mentality, especially in these economically challenging times. However, in a personal injury case where your goal is to maximize your compensation, there are many good reasons to retain an experienced attorney to help you out.

Insurance Companies Do Not Take Accident Victims Seriously

It is a proven fact that insurance companies provide more compensation to accident victims who are represented by attorneys.

Insurance companies do not take accident victims seriously. They will take advantage of the fact that accident victims may have no idea how much their case is really worth, offering settlements that are far less than what an experienced attorney could obtain. Even if the victim pushes back and asks for more money, the insurance company will not give in, knowing that the victim has no leverage. The accident victim cannot take the insurance company to trial, because it is unlikely that the victim knows how to go to trial.

Our lawyers will carefully review your case and determine what it is worth. Then we will negotiate with the insurance company, or take the case to trial, to get you fair compensation. That is not all. There is a surprisingly large amount of paperwork that needs to be done in a motor vehicle accident case or any other personal injury case. We do all the work. You do not have to sort through it. You do not have to stress over making certain it is all completed correctly and sent in on time. That is our job.

You Only Pay Us if We Get Results

We handle personal injury cases on a contingency basis, meaning there is no risk to you in hiring an attorney. You only pay us if we get results, and even then, our payment will primarily be a small percentage of the compensation we obtain for you.

Let us provide a personalized answer to the question, “Do I need a personal injury lawyer?” Call us at 651-454-3600 for a free consultation. You can also contact us via e-mail. If you cannot come to us, our attorneys will visit you at home or in the hospital.

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